Neonatal Hip Ultrasound
Congenital dislocation of the hip is a pathological entity known since the time of Hippocrates, but even today it is still sometimes a problem in terms of its initial diagnosis and treatment. The term congenital dislocation of hip (developmental hip dysplasia according to more recent terminology) describes a pathological condition of the hips in which the head of the femur bone tends to be displaced outside the pelvis acetabulum.
The most important predisposing factor is the existence of a family history. Other factors are:
- the hip breech
- the oligamnium
- abnormalities of the limbs
Some epidemiologic of developmental dysplasia of the hip are that:
- girls are affected more often than boys (6 to 1)
- the unilateral location is more common than the
- bilateral (2 to 1)
- the left hip is affected more often than the right (4 to 1)
Particular emphasis is given on early diagnosis to avoid abnormal hip development because normal joint development depends on the early centering of the femoral head within the acetabulum
When is ultrasound recommended
Ultrasound has been widely accepted in the diagnosis of developmental dysplasia of the hip in newborn babies and infants.
Ultrasound scan of the hips is recommended:
- when the clinical examination is doubtful
- when the clinical examination is positive to assess the degree of dysplasia and to check the response to treatment proactively
Ultrasound offers significant diagnostic advantages over other imaging methods and does not expose the child to radiation. It is a harmless and painless examination. The ultrasound department of the MTERRA CRETE Clinic offers the possibility of ultrasound screening of the hips. The examination is best performed when the infant is 45 – 60 days old.
Telephone: 2810 396 712, 2810 396 717